t.i.r.e.s s.r.l.

Long time experience

T.I.R.E.S. is a society with an almost 30-year long experience in the field of technological, special and electrical installations, both civil and industrial.

The constant update according to regulations in force and the usage of innovative softwares allow the Technical Office to overcome the most diverse realisation challenges that can be daily encountered.

In addition to the design and implementation of major Projects, T.I.R.E.S. offers a specialistic service consisting of technical assistance for the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of civil and industrial infrastructures.

T.I.R.E.S. can count on a team composed of Technical Employees having a solid experience in the field, alongside the constant update and further training provided by periodical refresher courses.

T.I.R.E.S. possesses the ISO 9001 certification since 2003 and it has meanwhile obtained the SOA certification for participation in public tenders in the following categories: OG1, OG2, OG3, OG10 and OG11.

Moreover, it has adopted an integrated management system including both Environment Management System and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, described by ISO 45001 - ISO 14001 certifications.

The company also possesses the License defined by the D.M. 37/08, in the categories A to G.

T.I.R.E.S was the winner of the sticker BUILDING FUND AWARS 2024


The Electronic Market of Public Administration

electronic market of public administration

certificazione iso 14001 certificazione iso 45001 certificazione iso 50001 certificazione iso 9001 certificazione qualificazione esecuzione lavori pubblici cassa edile awards

T.I.R.E.S. s.r.l.

Via Vinicio Cortese, 38/40 - 00128 Roma

Tel. 06.5088780 - 06.5088871